Welcome to the World of Chiken Wrastlin'
Sponsored by Welches. Almost as good as wrastlin' chickens.

In mememeorriumumum of...

"The chiken was this biiiiiiggggg"

Willie Jr. Jr.
the III not the III
"You're welcome to the shirt off my back"

*Who tragically passed during an explosive chiken attak of the canaadion wil' fiures. let em rest in pices.

Week in Review
We hope you've enjoyed this week full of chiken wrastlin'. lots was learned, but we dont think your chicken sized brains would remember any of it anyways, so we done writed it here for ya. if we forgots somethin, well, yall can go tell willie because hes so old, he wont hear ya anyways. If you want to relive your chiken deaths and victries, watched the vidayos downwards.
Glow Stick Tag
Navel Warfare
blind dodgeball
Alaskan baseball
water palooza
capture the flag
gaga ball tournament
Chiken Wrastlin' vidayos
Ooops...looks like sum chikens bit our wires. Those dang Wrascles!