Revelation Reading Plan
Week 1: Setting the Scene
Day 1: Revelation 1:1–8
Focus: Introduction and blessing. Reflect on what it means that Jesus is the Alpha and Omega.
Day 2: Revelation 1:9–20
Focus: John's vision of Jesus. Picture the descriptions and imagine being in John's place.
Day 3: Revelation 2:1–7
Focus: Letter to the church in Ephesus. What does it mean to "return to your first love"?
Day 4: Revelation 2:8–11
Focus: Letter to the church in Smyrna. How can you be faithful during trials?
Day 5: Revelation 2:12–17
Focus: Letter to the church in Pergamum. What challenges do you face to stay faithful?
Day 6: Revelation 2:18–29
Focus: Letter to the church in Thyatira. How does Jesus encourage and correct here?
Day 7: Reflect and Journal
Reread Revelation 1–2. What has stood out to you most this week? How does it apply to your life?
Week 2: Messages to the Churches
Day 8: Revelation 3:1–6
Focus: Letter to the church in Sardis. How can you "wake up" spiritually?
Day 9: Revelation 3:7–13
Focus: Letter to the church in Philadelphia. How does Jesus' faithfulness inspire you?
Day 10: Revelation 3:14–22
Focus: Letter to the church in Laodicea. What does it mean to be "lukewarm"?
Day 11: Revelation 4:1–11
Focus: Worship in heaven. What does this chapter teach you about God's glory?
Day 12: Revelation 5:1–14
Focus: The Lamb and the scroll. Why is Jesus worthy of worship?
Day 13: Revelation 6:1–17
Focus: The first six seals. How do these events show God's justice?
Day 14: Reflect and Journal
Reread Revelation 3–6. What challenged you? How can you live differently because of these truths?
Week 3: God's Judgment and Salvation
Day 15: Revelation 7:1–17
Focus: The 144,000 and the great multitude. How does God show His care for His people?
Day 16: Revelation 8:1–13
Focus: The seventh seal and the trumpets. What does this say about God's power?
Day 17: Revelation 9:1–21
Focus: The fifth and sixth trumpets. How do these events show the need for repentance?
Day 18: Revelation 10:1–11
Focus: The angel and the little scroll. What does it mean to speak God's words boldly?
Day 19: Revelation 11:1–14
Focus: The two witnesses. How do they demonstrate faithfulness in the face of opposition?
Day 20: Revelation 11:15–19
Focus: The seventh trumpet. What does this passage teach about God's kingdom?
Day 21: Reflect and Journal
Reread Revelation 7–11. How does this section deepen your understanding of God’s plan?
Week 4: Victory and Restoration
Day 22: Revelation 12:1–17
Focus: The woman and the dragon. How does this show the battle between good and evil?
Day 23: Revelation 13:1–18
Focus: The beast and the false prophet. How can you stand firm against deception?
Day 24: Revelation 14:1–20
Focus: The Lamb and His followers. How does this encourage your faithfulness?
Day 25: Revelation 15:1–8
Focus: The seven bowls. What does this say about God's holiness?
Day 26: Revelation 16:1–21
Focus: God's judgment through the bowls. How does this demonstrate God's justice?
Day 27: Revelation 17:1–18:24
Focus: The fall of Babylon. What does this teach about the dangers of worldly systems?
Day 28: Reflect and Journal
Reread Revelation 12–18. How does this section encourage you to trust in Jesus' victory?
Final Days: The New Creation
Day 29: Revelation 19:1–21
Focus: The Rider on the white horse. How does this show Jesus as victorious?
Day 30: Revelation 20:1–15
Focus: The final judgment. How does this motivate you to live for Jesus?
Day 31: Revelation 21:1–22:21
Focus: The new heaven and earth. What are you most excited about in God’s eternal plan?
Tips for Teenagers:
— Pray before reading. Ask God to help you understand and apply His Word.
— Journal your thoughts. Write down what stands out to you or any questions you have.
— Discuss with a friend or group. Share insights and ask questions together.